postheadericon Acupuncture can Relieve the Hot Flashes Experienced during Prostate Cancer Treatment

On Monday, April 25 a study says that Acupuncture can help to reduce the hot flashes that affect the Prostate Cancer patients when they are having Hormone Therapy.
A research conducted in the New York Methodist Hospital and Weill Comell Medical College, 14 men took part in that research and shows that Acupuncture affects many men having Prostate Cancer Treatment and it has more benefits as compare to the side effects.
Acupuncture is a popular form of alternative medicine; it is composed of ultra-thin needles in to the skin.
Ashamalla says that we are starting a clinical trial to evaluate Acupuncture’s effects after Prostate Cancer Treatment.
Hormone Therapy decreases the level of Testosterone in the body and it is an important treatment for Prostate Cancer but half of patients having Hormone Therapy experience hot flashes as women experienced during Menopause.
Dr. Stephen Freeland an Associate Professor of Urology and Pathology says that almost 60% of men get hot flashes. He further says that usually the hot flashes are mild and they improve with time but some men complain that these flashes become worst with the passage of time.
The research suggests that men experiencing hot flashes should receive Acupuncture Treatment twice a week for half an hour over 4 weeks; it will help to reduce these hot flashes.
There is also a possibility that symptoms of Prostate Cancer disappear itself. Many women report that they get better in a very short time after getting Acupuncture Treatment where these symptoms usually do not get better very quickly.
A study published in April in the international Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology and Physics found that Acupuncture also relieves the Heart Palpitations and Anxiety that is caused due to Hormone Therapy for done for Prostate Cancer.

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